Waging a Raging war in my homeland huh?!!!
The Imperial army of the satanic west has been deploying phantom troops in order to cripple the underlying source of power of the eastern collonies....
This time, it has been the "lalang like" Siam force, after the Libyans,Turks,Arabs,Indons to name the least......
Being offered continuous financial or probably military support, has indulged their misty minds.
Practicing the proxy dictatorship has proven to save the mastermind's ass, but not for long I believe.
The aims:
- Depress the moral of the strong Eastern culture that has merged since hundres of years ago with Islamic values
- Eliminate any possible threats by fundamentalist, initially with psycho attack, diplomatically(spinning), never!!, by force....eventually a must!!
- Minimise the sights of the young ones by bringing in more celebrations,man made miracles, angle like evil acts,
- Creating more capitalist amongst the leaders...so these leader will cripple their own peoples, on behalf of the evil....saves lot of time for the Imperial army.
- Acquiring accurate data of vulnerable sites of the Eastern regions.Slowly taking over, in forms of business JV or monopolies.
- establishing military base as many as possible, connecting links coast-coast, region-region, eventually a spider web that will definitely trap any internal force from the eastern rebels
- "suap" as many influential figures as they can take, to realise the foundations needed to develop cyber platforms, an Evil holiday house cum mini command centres, for future.
Namun, Yang Maha Agong tetap selalu mengetahui.....lantaran itu DIA telah jua menyiapkan tentera2NYA yg datang secara rahsia, pulang pula secara rahsia. Nobat keramat sudah lama dimainkan.....bahtera2 hulubalang dan panglima jua sudah lama belayar dan telah berlabuh di satu tanah keramat. Sungguh tiada siapa bisa terduga lautan ombak kan menajdi padang pasir,lantaran Yang Maha Berkuasa.
Berduyun2 insan kamil dengan kalimat agong, darah dan daging sebati jua bersama tulang belulang, didalamnya ada darah putih mengalir.....perjuangan suci sudah lama bermula...dan akan terus jua, hingga ke hari pembaringan.....
Satu panglima, satu jiwa, satu hati,satu ummat!!!!
Di mana kah kamu berdiri teman2 ku?!!!