there was a soul flying in the mid sky.....
hoping the sun to light up the day....
hoping the moon to cheer up the night....
and what he get was
an eternal light, not from the sun....
not from the moon too..
but has been inside the soul...eversince...
the soul had just realised of that fact...
damn!!.....the soul just couldn't bear the ravaging force from no where
and all the soul can do was just to..stood still....eyes wide shut....
leaving the heart to do all the talking.....
leaving the mind to do all the thinking....
please...let me have the eternal light back...beg the soul to HIS mercy..
and not knowing when it'll be granted...
the soul kept on doing the talking and thinking...silently....unnoticed..
forseeing all the catastrophic days that might be faced by the soul.....
Oh no....that's not gonna happen....isn't it?!.....isn't it?!.....
There was no one to answer the soul's doubtness.......
But the soul himself.....
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